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Idiom 73 : spare time

idiom 정리 2011. 9. 23. 11:42

spare time 

: free time 



I'm usually busy every night of the week.

I don't have any spare time.


Robert is building a sail boat in his spare time.

Some day he hopes to finish it and sail around the world.



: I'm usually busy every night of the week : 매일 밤 바쁘다

Posted by skyedu

fall back on

: to have a second plan if a first plan doesn't work 

  "~에 의지하다"

Sally wants to find her own apartment and to try living by herself.

If this becomes too expensive,

she can always fall back on her family and live with her parents.


Stephanie is a postal clerk, but now she's also taking a course in computer programming.

She hopes to get a high-paying job in computers.

If she doesn't , she knows she can fall back on her Post Office job. 


: a postal clerk : a clerk who works at the post office

Posted by skyedu

give something a try

: to try something for the first time 


  "한번 시도해보다"




Allan said that he had never played golf. He didn't think that he would enjoy it.

I told him to give it a try.

Yesterday he played golf for the first time and he loved it. He wants to play again.




My friends took me to a Japanese restaurant and ordered raw fish.

At first, I wouldn't eat it. They told me to give the fish a try and not to worry.

Finally I tasted a small piece. It wasn't bad. I ate some more.




: wouldn't eat it = refused to eat it (먹지 않으려 하다)

Posted by skyedu

think over 

: to carefully consider something 


  "심사숙고하다, 고려하다"


: 어떠한 문제나 신중히 판단해야 할 상황에서 주로 사용됨.

I'd like to buy your car. I can offer you $4,000 for it.

You don't have to decide now. You can think it over and let me know next week.




Lucy was very surprised when Isaac asked her to marry him.

She told him that she wanted to think it over.

Three days later, she accepted. They're getting married next June..




: she accepted = she accepted his proposal

Posted by skyedu

if worst comes to worst



: having a plan if the worst thing happens 


  "최악의 경우에(는)"


: 설상가상 = make matters worse




I will really try to come to your wedding next week,

but my father is very sick and needs me.

If worst comes to worst and I can't be there, I'll have to see it on video.




I have to be at my job interview at one o'clock,

but my car hasn't been working well lately.

If worst comes to worst, I'll take a taxi.




: not working well : 잘 움직(작동)이지 않는다

Posted by skyedu

bang one's head against a wall

: to try to do something without success 

   "불가능한 일을 시도하다, 계란으로 바위치기"

: bang 대신 knock을 써도 됨.


I've been trying to get a job for six months.

I've mailed a hundred applications.

I'm doing everything possible, but I still can't get a job.

I'm just banging my head against a wall.

I've been working on an assignment for my teacher for three days now.

I feel like I'm banging my head against a wall.

I can't think of anything to write.


: applications : 입사 지원서

Posted by skyedu

up to + 명사 or ~ing

: having the energy and the desire to do something  "~할 기분이다"

: 주로 부정적 의미로 사용됨.

: I'm not up to going to work. = I don't feel like going to work.


Last week Neil was sick and didn't feel up to doing anything.

He just wanted to stay in bed and watch TV.

Now that he is better he wants to get out and do things again.


I'm very tired tonight. I'm not really up to having visitors.

Maybe tomorrow, I'll feel better and we can invite some friends over, but not tonight.




: Now that... : 지금 ~한 상황이니(=Now that this is the situation...)

  get out = go out

Posted by skyedu

[keep at it ]

idiom 정리 2011. 8. 13. 11:03

keep at it

: to continue working at something  "계속하다"

: 어떤 일을 신념을 가지고 계속한다는 점이 go on과 다름.


We had been walking non-stop for five hours and were nearing the top of the mountain

but I couldn't keep at it any longer. I had to stop and rest.

I was too tired to continue.


Everyone in the office was busy working on the report for the big meeting.

The boss told us to keep at it until the job was finished.

We didn't leave the office until 11 p.m.




: near(여기선 동사로 쓰임) = approach .

Posted by skyedu

play it by ear 

: to act without making a plan ; improvise 

  "계획없이 즉흥적으로 처리하다, 임기응변으로 처리하다, 직접 부딪혀 해결하다" 

1. When I moved to Canada, I didn't know anything about the country.

    I couldn't prepare for my new life there, so I had to play it by ear.



2. "Let's have lunch together tomorrow. Where shall we go?''

    "Let's play it by ear. If it's sunny, we'll have a picnic.

     If it's raining, we'll go to a restaurant.''

Posted by skyedu

scratch the surface

: to learn only a little about something

  "수박 겉핥기 식으로 알다"

 1. I have been studying English for two years,

    but I've only scratched the surface of the language.

    There are many important rules and vocabulary that I still don't know.

 2. I visited India last year. I really didn't get to see much of the country;

    I only scratched the surface.

    I would like to visit there again and see a lot more.

 [주] get to ; = get a chance to 

Posted by skyedu