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not all it's cracked up to be



: not as good as expected


  "예상했던 만큼 만족스럽지 못한, 예상은 했지만 좀 실망스러운"




Everyone says the new Italian restaurant is the best place in town.

Last night I went there for dinner and found that it's not all it's cracked up to be.

The service is slow and the food isn't very good.




Working as an international flight attendant is not all it's cracked up to be.

You get to travel the world, but the work is hard, the hours are long and the pay is low.




: the hours = the working hours


Posted by skyedu

all over

: in all places, everywhere

  "전체에, 어디서나"

A. When the sports hero married the movie star, the story  was all over the news.

The radio, the TV, and the newspapers all had stories about the wedding.

B. Athletes from all over the world came to participate in the Olympic Games.


[주] Athletes : 운동선수


Posted by skyedu
ABC's of something
n. the basic principles or facts of (a subject or procedure)
    (어떤 과목이나 절차의) 기본 원칙들, 기본적인 사실들 

나는 컴퓨터의 기본을 전혀 배운 적이 없어서 내 하드 드라이브가 파손되었을 때 어찌할 바를 몰랐다
I have never learned the ABC's of computers, so when my hard drive crashed I was helpless. 

기자가 되기 위해서는 글쓰기의 기본 원칙 이상을 알아야만 한다 
You have to know more than the ABC's of writing to be a journalist. 

Posted by skyedu

big on

~을 대단히 좋아하여, ~에 열광하여


Dad is big on Christmas with the whole family.

아빠는 온 가족이 함께하는 크리스마스를 매우 좋아하신다.


Koreans are big on exfoliating their skin.

한국인들은 때미는것을 매우 좋아한다.

(exfoliate 때를 밀다)  


Posted by skyedu

in a row 일렬로, 연속적으로



1) They have lost three games in a row [=straight, back to back, on end, running].

=They have lost three straight games

2) lined up in a row 일렬로 정렬한.

3) Five houses stand in a row. 다섯 집이 한 줄로 늘어서 있다

4) He has been late for three days in a row. 그는 3일 동안 죽 지각했다
5) the third year in a row 3년 연속으로

Posted by skyedu

so far so good


- You can say so far so good to express satisfaction with the way that a situation or activity is progressing, developing, or happening. (지금까진 좋다.)

Posted by skyedu

Pull someone's leg


: "놀리다,장난치다,속이다"


: Don't pull my leg. (놀리지마. 장난치지지마.)


Posted by skyedu
~에 빠지다, 탐닉하다 abandon oneself to 

Posted by skyedu

show someone the ropes

: to explain how something is done 

  "요령을 알려주다"


When Alan started his new job, he needed someone to show him the ropes.

He didn't know how to use the office machine, order supplies, or get a security pass.



Ben wanted to learn how to sail.

His brother Harold, a very experienced sailor, said he'd be happy to show Ben the ropes.

After two weeks on Harold's sail boat, Ben had learned a lot.



A: office machines(copier, fax machine 등..)

    order supplies(용품을 주문하다 / school supplies 학용품)

Posted by skyedu

old hand at

: very experienced at doing something


  "이따끔, 때때로"


Rob is an old hand at working with dogs.

He has been a dog trainer for 20 years.

He could write a book on what he knows about dogs!.


Peggy is an old hand at organizing birthday parties. She had eight children.

If you need any advice on giving birthday parties, ask her.

Posted by skyedu