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I need to cut down on unnecessary expenses this month. 

 나 이번 달에는 필요 없는 지출을 좀 줄여야 해. 




[영어 어순]  

I need to / cut down on / unnecessary expenses / this month.

난 ~할 필요가 있다 / ~을 줄이다  /  필요없는 지출을                /  이번 달에  



Posted by skyedu

submit : 제출하다

영어단어 2015. 3. 30. 12:37

Applicants should submit a resume to the personnel manager.

지원자들은 인사담당자에게 이력서를 제출해야 합니다.




[영어 어순]

Applicants / should submit a resume / to the personnel manager.

지원자들은    /  이력서를 제출해야 합니다       /  인사담당자에게               




[단어,뜻 & 발음]

 submit : 제출하다  


발음&다른뜻&예문 보기 : http://endic.naver.com/enkrEntry.nhn?sLn=kr&entryId=03e59c1c711a4d6db175ffdcf0fa9d60&query=submit


Posted by skyedu

not all it's cracked up to be



: not as good as expected


  "예상했던 만큼 만족스럽지 못한, 예상은 했지만 좀 실망스러운"




Everyone says the new Italian restaurant is the best place in town.

Last night I went there for dinner and found that it's not all it's cracked up to be.

The service is slow and the food isn't very good.




Working as an international flight attendant is not all it's cracked up to be.

You get to travel the world, but the work is hard, the hours are long and the pay is low.




: the hours = the working hours


Posted by skyedu

[오늘의 영어회화] 오늘의 예문을 통해 익혀 보세요~


A: The summer vacation is just around the corner.

B: It's only June.  There are still two months left until the summer vacation. 

A: Anyway, what are you going to do this summer vacation?

B: I'm thinking of going to Jejudo with my family.

A: 여름 휴가가 바로 코앞이네.

B: 이제 겨우 6월이야.  여름 휴가까지는 아직 두 달이나 남았어. 

A: 아무튼 이번 여름 휴가에 뭐 할 거야?

B: 가족이랑 제주도에 갈까 생각중이야.




[오늘의 영어회화] 영어 어순으로 익혀 보세요~  


A: The summer vacation is / just around the corner.

B: It's only June.  There are / still two months left / until the summer vacation. 

A: Anyway, / what are you going to do / this summer vacation?

B: I'm thinking of / going to Jejudo / with my family.   


Posted by skyedu

 It is so uncomfortable to take out my contact lenses before going to bed. 

 자기 전에 렌즈를 빼야 하는 게 참 불편해. 




[영어 어순]  

It is so uncomfortable / to take out my contact lenses / before going to bed.

참 불편하다                         /  내 콘택트 렌즈를 빼는 것이                 /  잠자리에 들기 전에  


Posted by skyedu

They managed to do the assigned work in time.

그들은 배정된 일을 제시간에 용케 해내었다.


[영어 어순]

They managed to do / the assigned work / in time.

그들은 용케 해내었다         /  배정된(할당된) 일을     /  제시간에                


[단어,뜻 & 발음]

 manage : 간신히(용케) 해내다, 어떻게든 해내다 / 다루다, 운영(경영,관리,감독)하다  


Posted by skyedu

[오늘의 영어회화] 오늘의 예문을 통해 익혀 보세요~


A: What kind of movies do you like?

B: I like Hollywood action movies. 

A: How often do you go to the movies?

B: I used to go every week, but these days once a month.

A: 어떤 종류의 영화 좋아해요?

B: 헐리우드 액션 영화를 좋아해요. 

A: 영화보러 얼마나 자주 가세요?

B: 예전엔 매주 갔었는데 요즘엔 한 달에 한 번 가요.[오늘의 영어회화] 영어 어순으로 익혀 보세요~  


A: What kind of movies / do you like?

B: I like / Hollywood action movies. 

A: How often / do you go to the movies?

B: I used to go / every week, / but these days / once a month.   


Posted by skyedu

 I worked out too much, and my back became really stiff. 

 운동을 너무 많이 했더니 등이 매우 뻐근했어. 




[영어 어순]  

I worked out / too much, / and my back / became really stiff.

난 운동을 했다   /  너무 많이,    /  그랬더니 내 등이  /  매우 뻐근해졌다  


Posted by skyedu

All new employees must sign up for the national pension plan.

모든 신입 사원들은 국민 연금 제도에 가입해야 합니다.

[영어 어순]

All new employees / must sign up for / the national pension plan.

모든 신입 사원들은       /  ~에 등록해야만 합니다  /  국민 연금 제도               


[단어,뜻 & 발음]

 pension : 연금 , 생활 보조금  


발음&다른뜻&예문 보기 : http://endic.naver.com/enkrEntry.nhn?entryId=792bc5a1439b4965bf8bec52354b0fbb&query=pension



Posted by skyedu

all over

: in all places, everywhere

  "전체에, 어디서나"

A. When the sports hero married the movie star, the story  was all over the news.

The radio, the TV, and the newspapers all had stories about the wedding.

B. Athletes from all over the world came to participate in the Olympic Games.


[주] Athletes : 운동선수


Posted by skyedu