When was the last time ~ ?
~은 언제가 마지막이었나요?
[한글 예문]
1> 마지막으로 정기검진을 받은 게 언제였나요?
2> 마지막으로 영화를 보러 간 게 언제였나요?
3> 마지막으로 그를 본 게 언제였나요?
[영어 예문]
1> When was the last time you got a medical checkup?
2> When was the last time you went to the movies?
3> When was the last time you saw him?
[영어 어순]
1> When was the last time / you got a medical checkup?
언제가 마지막이었나요? / 당신이 건강검진을 받은 게
2> When was the last time / you went to the movies?
언제가 마지막이었나요? / 당신이 영화를 보러 간 게
3> When was the last time / you saw him?