
22025  이전 다음

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< 무역레터 작성시 유용한 표현>  


1.~와 거래를 갖고자 합니다.

We wish to establish business relations with~.
We desire to do business with~.
We would like to open an account with~.

2.A를 통하여 귀사를 알게 되었습니다.

We have heard(learned, come to know) your from(through) A.
Your name has been recommended(introduced, supplied, given) to us by A.
We have seen your advertisement in A.
A has introduced you to me.

3. A를 통하여 귀사가 ~라는 사실을 알게 되었다.

We have come to know from A that you are ~.
Through A we learned your name as~.

4.A가 ~에 관하여 귀사에 알아보라고 하였다.

A suggested that we write to you about~.
A has informed us to get in touch with you concerning~.

5.OO일자의 귀사의 편지(조회, 오퍼, 주문, 샘플) 잘 받았습니다.

Thank you for your letter of 00.
We have received with thanks your letter of 00.
We acknowledge with thanks your letter of 00.
We are pleased to have your letter of 00.
Your letter of April 16 has been received.

6. ~에 관한 00일자의 귀사의 편지(조회, 오퍼, 주문, 샘플) 잘 받았습니다.

Thank you for your letter of 00 concerning ~.
Thank you for your letter of 00 asking ~.
Thank you for yout letter of 00 informing us that ~,

7.~용건으로 서신을 드립니다.

We are writing to you in the hope of~ing
We are writing to you with a desire to~.
We are writing this letter to~.
We have the honor of writing to you~.
We are approaching you with a desire to~.
Permit us ti write a request to you~.
Permit us to trouble you to request that~.
Allow us to write a request to you~.

8.~에 대하여 감사드립니다.

Thank you for~.
Many thanks for~.
We appreciate~.
We are grateful for~.
We express our gratitude for~.
It was very thoughtful of you to~.

9.~을 알려 드립니다.

We inform you that/of~.
We are pleased to let you know that/of~.
We inform you as follows.
We inform you of the following matters~.
We wish to advise you that / of~.
We would like to infor you that / of~.
We have to notify you that~.
We have the pleasure of informing you that / of~.
We take great pleasure in informing you~.
It is with great pleasure that we inform you that . of~.


10. ~을 알려 주십시오.

Please inform us that / of~.
Please let us know about~.
please tell me that / of~.
Will you please let us know about~?.
Will you please advise us that / of~?
We wish to have your information on~.

11. ~하여 주십시오. ~를 해주시면 감사하겠습니다.

We would appreciate it if you would ~.
We would appreciate your ~ing~.
It would be appreciate if you could~.
We would be pleased(glad, happy) if~.
May we ask you to ~?
We have to ask you to~.
We wish you to~.
We hope to / that~.
We expect to~.
We expect your ~ing.
We would like you to~.
We would require your~.
We would welcome~,
May we ask a favor of you by~?
will you please~?

12. 기꺼이 ~하겠습니다.

We are pleased to~.
We will feel happy to~.
It gives us much plaesure to~.
We have the pleasure of ~ing~.
We will gladly~.


10. ~을 알려 주십시오.

Please inform us that / of~.
Please let us know about~.
please tell me that / of~.
Will you please let us know about~?.
Will you please advise us that / of~?
We wish to have your information on~.

11. ~하여 주십시오. ~를 해주시면 감사하겠습니다.

We would appreciate it if you would ~.
We would appreciate your ~ing~.
It would be appreciate if you could~.
We would be pleased(glad, happy) if~.
May we ask you to ~?
We have to ask you to~.
We wish you to~.
We hope to / that~.
We expect to~.
We expect your ~ing.
We would like you to~.
We would require your~.
We would welcome~,
May we ask a favor of you by~?
will you please~?

12. 기꺼이 ~하겠습니다.

We are pleased to~.
We will feel happy to~.
It gives us much plaesure to~.
We have the pleasure of ~ing~.
We will gladly~.


Posted by skyedu