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I never thought she would be unfaithful

 난 그녀가 바람을 피울 거라고는 생각지도 못했어. 

[영어식 어순 익히기]  

I never thought / she would be unfaithful.

난 생각지도 못했다  /  그녀가 바람을 피울 거라고는 

Posted by skyedu


[ 빨다, 빨아 먹다, 빨아들이다 / 빨기, 빨아 먹기, 빨아들이기 ]

Mosquitoes suck the blood of people and animals.

모기는 사람과 동물의 피를 빨아 먹는다.

[영어식 어순 익히기]

Mosquitoes suck the blood / of people and animals.

모기들은 피를 빨아 먹는다             /  사람들과 동물들의            

[발음 듣기]

발음듣기&더많은뜻보기 : http://endic.naver.com/enkrEntry.nhn?entryId=69cd2078f3f848e1b706b7513e105201&query=suck

Posted by skyedu

[ 오늘의 생활영어 : 깜빡했어. ]


A: 오늘 아침에 남동생이 거짓말을 해서 동생한테 화를 냈어.          

B: 오늘이 만우절인 거 몰랐어? 

A: 깜빡했어

B: 남동생이랑 화해는 했어?


A: I got angry at my brother this morning because he lied to me.      

B: Didn't you know today was April Fool's Day? 

A: It slipped my mind.

B: Did you make up with him?

[영어식 어순]

A: I got angry at my brother / this morning / because he lied to me.  

    나 남동생한테 화냈어                /  오늘 아침에       /  걔가 나한테 거짓말을 해서        

B: Didn't you know / today was April Fool's Day?

    몰랐었어?                 /  오늘이 만우절이었다는 거        

A: It slipped my mind.


B: Did you make up with him?

    동생이랑 화해는 했어? [make up with : ~와 화해하다]   

Posted by skyedu
How long have you been ~ing?  

 ~해오신지 얼마나 되셨나요? (얼마나 오래 ~해오고 계시는 중인가요?)

[한글 예문]

1> 여기서 얼마나 오래 기다리신 거예요?

2> 기타를 쳐오신지는 얼마나 되신 거예요?

3> 남자친구와 사귄지는 얼마나 됐어? 

[영어 예문]

1> How long have you been waiting here?

2> How long have you been playing the guitar?

3> How long have you been going out with your boyfriend?

[영어 어순]

1> How long have you been / waiting here?

    얼마나 오래 되셨나요?                /  여기서 기다려 온 지                            

2> How long have you been / playing the guitar?

    얼마나 오래 되셨나요?                /  기타를 쳐 오신지 

3> How long have you been / going out with your boyfriend?

    얼마나 오래 되셨나요?                /  당신의 남자친구와 사귀어 오신 지

                                                          [go out with : ~와 데이트를 하다(사귀다)] 


Posted by skyedu
I don't care about the looks

 전 외모를 따지지 않아요. 

[영어식 어순 익히기]  

I don't care / about the looks.

난 신경 안 써    /  외모에 대해 

Posted by skyedu


[ 토하다 / 토사물 ]

When I put my toothbrush in my mouth, I feel like I'm going to vomit.

입에 칫솔을 넣으면 토할 것 같아.

[영어식 어순 익히기]

When I put my toothbrush / in my mouth, / I feel like / I'm going to vomit.

칫솔을 넣으면(놓으면)                 /  입 안에              / ~할 것 같은 느낌이 들어 / 토할(나 토할 거야)            

[발음 듣기]

발음듣기&더많은뜻보기 : http://endic.naver.com/enkrEntry.nhn?entryId=07281ac8caee40a1b6f38337c736e31a&query=vomit

Posted by skyedu
Story 2
Kids love to visit Dr. Grennberg, even though he is a dentist.
This is because he likes to have fun, and he wants the children to have fun too.

While they are waiting for their turn to see the dentist,
the children can listen to rock'n'roll music or even play their own records.
When their turn comes, they are usually surprised,
because Dr. Greenberg likes to dress in costumes.
Sometimes he dresses like Superman, a clown, or Mickey Mouse.
Sometimes he even dresses in very old clothes.

Besides making the visits entertaining, Dr. Greenberg is a good dentist.


Story 2
Kids/ love/ to visit Dr. Grennberg,// even though/ he/ is/ a dentist.//
명      동             명1                         부(접        명   동       명1)   [3(2)]
(아이들은, 좋아한다, Grennberg의사를 방문하는 것을, (심지어, 그가, 일지라도, 치과의사))

This/ is// because/ he/ likes/ to have fun, and/ he/ wants/ the children/ to have fun too.
  명   동    명1(접       명   동          명1          접   명     동              명1           부정사 ) [2(3,5)]
(이것은,이다, 때문(그는, 좋아한다,   재미있는 것, 그리고, 그는, 원한다, 아이들이, 역시 재미있는 것을))

//While/ they/ are waiting/ for their turn/ to see the dentist, //
부(접       명          동               부                 부 )
(동안(그들은, 기다리고 있었다, 그들의 차례를, 의사에게 진찰을 받기 위해서)
the children/ can listen to/ rock'n'roll music/ or /even play /their own records.
       명                동                  명1             접          동             명1       [(1),3,3]
(그 아이들은, 들을 수 있었다, 락앤롤 음악을, 혹은, 심지어 연주한다, 그들자신의 음반을)

//When/ their turn/ comes//, they/ are/ usually /surprised,
부(접        명             동)         명    조       부           동    
(때(그들의 차례가, 오다), 그들은,  대개, 놀라게 된다  
//because/ Dr. Greenberg/ likes/ to dress in costumes.//
부(    접              명             동            명1 )                 [(1),1,(3)]
(왜냐하면, Greenberg의사가, 좋아한다, 복식을 입는 것을))
Sometimes/ he/ dresses/ like Superman, a clown, or Mickey Mouse.
       부        명         동                      형                                        [2]
(때때로, 그는, 옷을 입는다, 슈퍼맨, 어릿광대, 혹은, 미키마우스 처럼)

Sometimes/ he/ even dresses/ in very old clothes.
        부        명          동                   부           [1]
(때때로, 그는, 심지어 옷을 입는다, 매우 오래된 옷)

Besides making the visits entertaining, /Dr. Greenberg/ is/ a good dentist.
             부                                                명            동          명1        [2]
(방문을 즐겁게 만드는 것 외에, Greenbert의사는, 이다, 좋은 치과의사

Posted by skyedu
Story 1

A truck was speeding down a highway as it came to a curve in the road.
it was going too fast to make the turn.
The truck hit the side of the road and overturned.
Out came everything it was carrying-sixty thousand hamburgers!

Students from a nearby school ran over to the truck.
The driver said, " If you will pick up all these small boxes of hamburgers.
I'll give your school a present."
The hamburgers were saved, and the driver gave the school $300.
The money was used to buy equipment for the playground.

해석/해설 /분석 

 Story 1

A truck /was speeding/ down a highway// as /it /came/ to a curve in the road.//
명                    동                        부      부(접  명   동                부)              [1(1)]
(한 트럭이/ 질주하고 있었다, 고속도로를, 때(그것이, 왔다, 도로의 커브에))

It/ was going/ too fast to make the turn.
명      동                   부                  [1]
(그것은, 가고 있었다, 너무나 빨리, 돌리기에)

The truck/ hit/ the side of the road/ and /overturned.
     명        동           명1                  접        동    [3,3]
(그 트럭은, 때렸다, 그 도로의 옆을, 그리고, 뒤집어졌다)

Out/ came/ everything// it /was carrying/-sixty thousand hamburgers!//
부     동           명     형(명            동)                                           [1(3)]
(나갔다, 모든 것이, 하는(그것이, 운반하고 있었다, -6만개의 햄버거듣!))

Students/ from a nearby school/ ran over to/ the truck.
    명                 형                            동          명1    [3]
(학생들이, 근처 학교의, 갔다, 그 트럭에)

The driver/ said, //" If/ you/ will pick up/ all these small boxes of hamburgers./
      명         동   명1(접  명         동                             명1
(그 운전사는, 말했다, "만약, 너희들이, 집어준다면, 햄버거 작은 박스 모두를,
I/'ll give/ your school/ a present."//
명  동          명1             명2 )    [3,(3,4)]
나는, 줄 것이다, 너희 학교에, 선물을")

The hamburgers/ were saved, / and/ the driver/ gave/ the school/ $300.
        명                   동                접      명           동          명1        명2  [1,4]
(그 햄버거들은, 구해졌다, 그리고, 그 운전사는, 주었다, 그 학교에, 300달러를)

The money/ was used/ to buy equipment for the playground.
       명             동                                 부                   [1]
( 그 돈은, 사용되어 졌다, 운동장 장비를 사기 위해서)

Posted by skyedu
Story 3

Whales are probably the largest and strongest animals in the world.
Perhaps that is why it is hard to think that a whale might need assistance from people.

Yet, in recent years, people have had to rescue several whales from some real trouble.
One whale, for example, found itself in the Hudson River.
Without help from the people of New York, the whale might have remained there forever.
Another whale got stuck in the harbor at San Francisco, Califonia.
For several days, the world watched as people and boats helped the whale make its way back to the open sea.

Story 3

Whales/ are/ probably/ the largest and strongest animals/ in the world.
   명       동      부                             명1                              부       [2]
(고래들은, 이다, 아마도, 가장크고 강한 동물, 세계에서)

Perhaps/ that/ is// why/ it/ is/ hard/ to think that a whale might need assistance from people.//
   부          명  동     명1( 명  동   형                      명    )                                                  [2(2)]
(아마도, 그것이, 이다, 이유(그것은, 이다, 어려운, 고래가 사람들로부터 도움을 필요로 할지도 모른다고 생각하는 것))

Yet,/ in recent years,/ people/ have had/ to rescue several whales from some real trouble.
부           부                    명        동                               명1                                   [3]
(그러나, 최근에, 사람들은, 했다, 구출하는 것을, 여러마리의 고래들을, 몇번의 실제 문제상황에서)

One whale/, for example,/ found/ itself/ in the Hudson River.
    명                   부            동       명1               부            [3]
(예를들어, 한 마리 고래가, 발견했다, 그 자체를, 허드슨 강에서)

Without help from the people of New York,/ the whale /might have remained/ there /forever.
                   부                                             명                        동               부        부 [1]
(뉴욕사람들의 도움이 없었다면, 그 고래는, 남아있었을지도 모를텐데. 거기에, 영원히)

Another whale/ got stuck/ in the harbor at San Francisco, Califonia.
       명                  동                               부                           [1]
(또다른 고래가, 곤경에 빠져있었다, 캘리포니아, 샌프란시스코 항에서)

For several days,/ the world/ watched// as/ people and boats/ helped/ the whale/ make its way back to the open sea.//
         부                    명            동      부(접          명                    동         명1                    부정사 )              [1(5)]
(며칠 동안, 사람들은, 보았다, (사람들과 보트들이, 도왔다, 그 고래가, 다시금  대양으로 나갈 수 있도록 길을  만들게))


Posted by skyedu
It seems like yesterday that ~  

 ~이 마치 어제 일 같다

[한글 예문]

1> 대학에 입학할 때가 엊그제 같은데.

2> 이 회사에 입사할 때가 엊그제 같은데.

3> 군대에 입대할 때가 엊그제 같은데.  

[영어 예문]

1> It seems like yesterday that I entered university.

2> It seems like yesterday that I joined this company.

3> It seems like yesterday that I joined the army.

[영어 어순]

1> It seems like yesterday / that I entered university.

    마치 어제일 같다                    /  내가 대학에 입학했던 것이                            

2> It seems like yesterday / that I joined this company.

    마치 어제일 같다                    /  내가 이 회사에 입사했던 것이 

3> It seems like yesterday / that I joined the army.

    마치 어제일 같다                    /  내가 군대에 입대했던 것이 

Posted by skyedu