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play it by ear 

: to act without making a plan ; improvise 

  "계획없이 즉흥적으로 처리하다, 임기응변으로 처리하다, 직접 부딪혀 해결하다" 

1. When I moved to Canada, I didn't know anything about the country.

    I couldn't prepare for my new life there, so I had to play it by ear.



2. "Let's have lunch together tomorrow. Where shall we go?''

    "Let's play it by ear. If it's sunny, we'll have a picnic.

     If it's raining, we'll go to a restaurant.''

Posted by skyedu

scratch the surface

: to learn only a little about something

  "수박 겉핥기 식으로 알다"

 1. I have been studying English for two years,

    but I've only scratched the surface of the language.

    There are many important rules and vocabulary that I still don't know.

 2. I visited India last year. I really didn't get to see much of the country;

    I only scratched the surface.

    I would like to visit there again and see a lot more.

 [주] get to ; = get a chance to 

Posted by skyedu
a rough idea

 : a general understanding

  "대략적인 지식(정보)"

 People have told me about the movie, so I have a rough idea of the story.

I know it is a romance and that it happens in Brazil.

But I don't know the details or how it ends. 

I have a rough idea where my dad's hotel is.

I know it's in the west part of the city, and that it's near the water,

but I don't know the exact address.

 [주] romance ; = love story

Posted by skyedu

can't help but

: can't stop from thinking,feeling or doing something

  "~하지 않을 수 없다"

: 'can't help ~ing', 'can't but 동사원형'에 비해 'can't help but 동사원형'의 사용빈도가 가장 높다.

 1. Cathy is only 16 years old, but she wants to get married.

    Although she says she is very much in love,

    I can't help but think that this is a mistake.

 2. I rented a video last night.

    The movie was so sad that I couldn't help but cry.

 [주] 예문1.에서 this is a mistake : she is too young이라는 의미.

Posted by skyedu
Out : 밖으로,밖에서

Posted by skyedu

[ 오늘의 생활영어 : 그 애는 마음 씀씀이가 참 고와. ]


A: 레이첼한테 큰 신세를 졌어.         

B: 레이첼?  왜?

A: 내가 아팠었는데 어제 와서 수프를 만들어 줬거든. 

B: 역시, 레이첼답네.  그 애는 마음 씀씀이가 참 고와.


A: I owe Rachel big time.       

B: Rachel?  Why?

A: She came over yesterday to make me soup because I was sick.

B: Yeah, that's Rachel.  She has a heart of gold.

[영어식 어순]

A: I owe Rachel big time.  

    나 레이첼한테 큰 신세를 졌어. [owe ~ big time : ~에게 큰 신세를 지다]        

B: Rachel?  Why? 

    레이첼?       왜?

A: She came over yesterday / to make me soup / because I was sick.

    걔가 어제 왔어                /  나한테 수프를 만들어 주려고  /  내가 아팠었거든 

B: Yeah, / that's Rachel.                She has a heart of gold.

    역시, / 그게 바로 레이첼이지.(레이첼답다.)   걔는 마음 씀씀이가 참 고와.

      [a heart of gold : 상냥한(착한,고운,아름다운) 마음(가지고 있는 사람]       

Posted by skyedu
Is it necessary to ~ ?  

 ~할 필요가 있을까요(있나요)?

[한글 예문]

1> 환승할 필요가 있을까?

2> 새 차를 살 필요가 있을까?

3> 택시를 탈 필요가 있을까?  

[영어 예문]

1> Is it necessary to transfer?

2> Is it necessary to get a new car?

3> Is it necessary to take a taxi?

[영어 어순]

1> Is it necessary / to transfer?

    필요가 있을까요?    /  환승할                            

2> Is it necessary / to get a new car?

    필요가 있을까요?    /  새 차를 살 

3> Is it necessary / to take a taxi?

    필요가 있을까요?    /  택시를 탈 


Posted by skyedu
You are a hypocrite!  How could you lie to me like that! 

 넌 위선자야!                     어떻게 나한테 그런 거짓말을 할 수 있어! 

[영어식 어순 익히기]  

You are a hypocrite!   How could you lie to me / like that!

넌 위선자야!                         어떻게 나한테 거짓말을 할 수 있어 / 그런

Posted by skyedu

[ 오늘의 생활영어 : 요즘 머릿속이 복잡해.(요즘 나 고민이 많아.) ]


A: 야, 내가 방금 말한 거 들었어?         

B: 아!  미안, 요즘 머릿속이 복잡해서.(요즘 고민이 많아서.)

A: 흠, 여기에 좀 집중해!(주의를 기울여!)  이 프로젝트 내일까지란 말야. 

B: 알았어, 이제 잘 들을게.


A: Hey, did you hear anything I just said?       

B: Oh!  Sorry, I have a lot on my mind these days.

A: Well, keep your eye on the ball here!  This project is due tomorrow.

B: Okay, I am listening now.

[영어식 어순]

A: Hey, / did you hear anything / I just said?  

    야,     /  너 어떤거라도 들었어?         /  내가 방금 말했던        

B: Oh!  Sorry, / I have a lot on my mind / these days. 

    아!      미안,     /  내가 머릿속이 복잡해               /  요즘

      [have a lot on my mind : 고민이 많다, 머릿속이 복잡하다]

A: Well, / keep your eye on the ball / here!   This project / is due / tomorrow.

    음,      /  집중 좀 해(주의 좀 기울여)          /  여기에     이 프로젝트 / 기한(마감)이야 / 내일이

[keep your eye on : ~에 계속 주의를 기울이다(집중하다)]

[keep your eye on the ball : '볼에 집중하다'란 뜻도 되고, '가장 중요한 것에 주의를 기울이다'란 뜻으로도 사용] 

B: Okay, / I am listening now.

    알았어,  /  이제 잘 들을게.  

Posted by skyedu

You have to ~  

 넌 ~해야 돼 [당신은 ~하셔야 합니다]

[한글 예문]

1> 넌 담배를 끊어야 돼.

2> 넌 좋든 싫든간에 거기 가야 돼.

3> 먼저 예약부터 하셔야 합니다.  

[영어 예문]

1> You have to quit smoking.

2> You have to go there whether you like it or not.

3> You have to make a reservation first.

[영어 어순]

1> You have to / quit smoking.

    넌 ~해야 한다     /  담배를 끊다                            

2> You have to / go there / whether you like it / or not.

    넌 ~해야 한다     / 거기에 가다  /  네가 그것이 좋든         /  아니면 싫든 

3> You have to / make a reservation / first.

    당신은 ~하셔야 합니다  /  예약을 하다         /  먼저(우선) 

Posted by skyedu