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[ 오늘의 생활영어 : 너무 자책하지 마. ]


A: 내가 시험에서 C를 받았다니 믿기지가 않아.         

B: 그래도 낙제한 건 아니잖아.

A: 이런 성적으로는 절대 장학금을 못 받을 거야. 

B: 겨우 시험 하나잖아.  너무 낙담하지 마.


A: I can't believe I got a C on my test.       

B: At least you didn't fail.

A: I'm never going to get a scholarship with this kind of grade.

B: It's just one test.  Don't be so hard on yourself.

[영어식 어순]

A: I can't believe / I got a C / on my test.  

    난 믿을 수가 없어 / 내가 C를 받은 것을 / 시험에서        

B: At least / you didn't fail. 

    적어도     /  네가 낙제한 건 아니잖아 

A: I'm never going to get a scholarship / with this kind of grade.

    난 절대 장학금을 받지 못할 거야                     /  이런 성적을 가지고는 

B: It's just one test.         Don't be so hard on yourself.

    겨우 시험 하나일 뿐이잖아.      너무 자책하지 마.      


Posted by skyedu

 I cried my eyes out, so now I feel much better. 

 실컷 울고 나니까 이제 한결 기분이 낫다. 

[영어식 어순 익히기]  

I cried my eyes out, / so now / I feel much better.

나는 실컷 울었다             / 그래서 이제 / 나는 기분이 훨씬 좋다

[cry one's eyes out : 눈이 빠지도록(퉁퉁 붓도록) 울다, 펑펑(실컷) 울다]  

Posted by skyedu


[ 완수하다, 성취하다, 달성하다, 이루다, 해내다 ]

You cannot accomplish anything without good health.

몸이 좋지 않으면 어떤 것도 해낼 수 없다.

[영어식 어순 익히기]

You cannot accomplish anything / without good health.

당신은 어떤 것도 해낼 수 없다                   /  좋은 건강이 없이는            


[발음 듣기]

발음듣기&더많은예문보기 : http://endic.naver.com/enkrEntry.nhn?entryId=44bc6b17e29b40d5bdec6d8a41868dc8&query=accomplish

Posted by skyedu

Story 6 : The truth for a poor memory


If you don't use your arms or your legs some time, they become weak. When you start using them again, they slowly become strong again. Everybody knows this and nobody would think of questioning this fact. Yet there are many people who don't seem to know that memory works in the same way. When someone says that he has a good memory, he really means that he keeps his memory in practice by exercising it frequently either consciously or unconsciously. When someone else says that his memory is poor, he really means that he doesn't give it enough chances to become strong.

If a friend complains that his arms and legs are weak, we know that it is his own fault. But if he tells us that he has a poor memory, many of us think his parents are to blame and that he is just unlucky. Also, few of us realize that it is just as much as his own fault as if it is his arms or legs that were weak.



question 질문하다, 의문을 가지다 memory 기억 practice 연습

exercise 연습하다 frequently 종종, 자주 consciously 의식적으로

unconsciously 무의식적으로 complain 불평하다 fault 잘못

blame 비난하다 unlucky 불행한 realize 깨닫다



Brief Reading


If you don't use / your arms or your legs / some time,/ they become weak.//

(만약 네가 사용하지 않는다면 / 팔과 다리를 / 한동안 / 그것들은 약해진다)


When you start / using them again,/ they slowly become strong again.//

(네가 시작할 때 / 그것들을 다시 사용하기를 / 그것들은 다시 서서히 강해진다)


Everybody knows this / and nobody would think / of questioning this fact.//

(모두 이것을 안다 / 그리고 아무도 생각하지 않는다 / 이 사실에 의문을 제기할 것을)


Yet there are many people / who don't seem to know / that memory works / in the same way.//

(그러나 많은 사람들이 있다 / 아는 것처럼 보이지 않는 / 기억이 작동한다는 것을 / 같은 방식으로)


When someone says / that he has a good memory,

(누군가 말할 때 / 그가 좋은 기억을 가지고 있다고)


he really means / that he keeps his memory / in practice by exercising it frequently / either consciously or unconsciously.//

(그는 정말 의미한다 / 그가 기억을 유지하는 것을 / 그것을 자주 연습함으로서 / 의식적이건 무의식적이건)


When someone else says / that his memory is poor,/ he really means / that he doesn't give it enough chances / to become strong.//

(누군가 말할 때 / 그의 기억이 나쁘다고 / 그는 정말 의미한다 / 그가 기억에게 충분한 기회를 주지 않는다는 것을 / 강하게 하기 위해)


If a friend complains / that his arms and legs are weak,/ we know / that it is his own fault.//

(만약 친구가 불평한다면 / 그의 팔과 다리가 약하다고 / 우리는 안다 / 그것은 그의 잘못이라는 것을)


But if he tells us / that he has a poor memory,/ many of us think / his parents are to blame / and that he is just unlucky.//

(그러나 만약 그가 우리에게 말한다면 / 그가 나쁜 기억을 가지고 있다고 / 우리 중 많은 사람들은 생각한다 / 그의 부모님이 비난받아야 한다고 / 그리고 그가 불행하다고)


Also, few of us realize / that it is / just as much as his own fault / as if it is his arms or legs / that were weak.//

(또한 우리 중 거의 어느 누구도 깨닫지 못한다 / 그것이 ~라고 / 그의 잘못이라고 / 그의 팔과 다리가 그랬던 것처럼 / 약했던)



Tip! Tip! Tip!


1. be + to 부정사

be동사 다음에 to 부정사가 오면 일반적으로 보어로 사용되어 ‘~하는 것’으로 해석이 되는 경우가 많다. 그러나, 모두 이것처럼 명사적 의미만을 갖는 것은 아니다. 경우에 따라 예정, 의무, 가능, 운명, 의도를 나타내는 용법으로 사용되기도 한다. 각 예들을 살펴보자.


* 본문의 예문으로 살펴봅시다!

1. 의무 : ‘~해야 한다’로 해석되어 should와 같은 의미로 볼 수 있다.

eg 1. His parents are to blame.

(그의 부모님은 비난받아야 한다.)

* 기타 예문으로 살펴봅시다!

2. 예정 : ‘~할 것이다’의 미래의 의미를 나타내며, will과 같은 의미로 볼 수 있다.

eg 2. My dad is to arrive at home this evening.

(우리 아빠는 오늘 저녁 집에 도착할 예정이다.)

3. 가능 : ‘~할 수 있다’의 의미로서 can과 같은 의미로 볼 수 있다.

eg 3. A TV set is to be found everywhere.

(TV는 어디서든 발견할 수 있다.)

4. 운명 : ‘~할 운명이다’의 의미로서 be destined to do와 같은 의미로 볼 수 있다.

eg 4. They were never to meet again.

(그들은 다시는 만나지 못할 운명이었다.)

5. 의도 : 조건절에서 intend의 뜻을 가지며, 가정법 과거에서 were과 함께 쓰이면 미래에 대한 불가능한 가정을 나타낸다.

eg 5. If you are to succeed, you must study hard. (조건절)

(네가 성공하고자 한다면, 열심히 공부해야 할 것이다.)

eg 6. If the sun were to rise in the west, I would change my mind. (가정법 과거)

(만약 해가 서쪽에서 뜬다면, 내가 마음을 바꿀 것이다.)



Word Test

exercise blame memory complain fault

1. to say that you are not satisfied with it

2. to move your body energetically

3. your ability to remember things 4. to believe that someone is responsible for something bad

5. a mistake in what someone is doing


Read and Think!

1. What does this passage mainly tell us?

A. One's memory can be trained.

B. One should practice using his arms or legs more frequently.

C. If someone has a good memory, he is usually lucky.

D. It's his parents fault if he has a poor memory.


2. What is true?

A. The more you use your arms or legs, the weaker they become.

B. The more you use your arms or legs, the stronger they become.

C. The more you use your arms or legs, they will be useless.

D. The more you use your arms or legs, the more helpless they are.


3. When someone has a good memory, this is because .

A. his parents are very clever

B. he was born clever

C. he keeps using his memory very often

D. he always does things in a correct way


4. If someone's memory is poor, .

A. his parents are to blame

B. he is unlucky

C. he has grown older

D. he should give it more chances to become strong


5. 윗글에서 poor memory를 비유한 표현은 무엇인가? (‘형용사+명사’의 형태로 쓰시오.)

'초급독해(입문)' 카테고리의 다른 글

EBS 직독직해300 [10] -극장 좌석에 얽힌 일화  (0) 2011.09.17
EBS 직독직해300 - [9]  (0) 2011.08.23
EBS 직독직해300 - [8]  (0) 2011.08.20
EBS 직독직해300 - [7]  (0) 2011.08.19
EBS 직독직해300 - [6]  (0) 2011.08.15
Posted by skyedu

think over 

: to carefully consider something 


  "심사숙고하다, 고려하다"


: 어떠한 문제나 신중히 판단해야 할 상황에서 주로 사용됨.

I'd like to buy your car. I can offer you $4,000 for it.

You don't have to decide now. You can think it over and let me know next week.




Lucy was very surprised when Isaac asked her to marry him.

She told him that she wanted to think it over.

Three days later, she accepted. They're getting married next June..




: she accepted = she accepted his proposal

Posted by skyedu

Posted by skyedu

사업상 계약서가 오가고,  대금 송금을 치워야 할때  유용한 영어 표현!


"언제 대금을 송금하실지 알려 주실수 있나요?"


"Could you let me know when you are wiring the funds?"

언제 대금을 송금하실지 알려 주실수 있나요?






A: Have you received the contract?

B: Yes, the contract got here earlier this morning. Thanks very much.

A: Could you let me know when you are wiring the funds?

B: Sure! Then, would you process the document as soon as you received the fund?

A: Definetely.


A: 계약서 받으셨나요?

B: 네, 계약서가 오늘 아침 일찍 도착했습니다. 대단히 감사합니다.

A: 언제 대금을 송금하실지 알려 주실수 있나요?

B: 그럼요. 송금을 받은 즉시 서류처리를 해주실거죠?

A: 당연하죠.




어휘 및 표현 정리
*Related Expressions


Could you let me know when you are wiring the funds? 언제 대금을 송금하실지 알려 주실수 있나요?


‘계약서를 받았습니다’의 의미로 말하고 싶을 때는 위 표현과 함께 'I received the contract.’라는 말을 가장 일상적으로 사용합니다.그리고 ‘나에게 알려 주세요’라고 할 때는 문장에서 나타나듯이 ‘Let me know.’라고 하면 되는데  일상 회화에서도 자주 사용하므로 익혀두면 도움이 될 것 입니다.

Posted by skyedu
Posted by skyedu

1. 외식의 의미


People eat out for many and varied reasons/

and the traditional role of the housewife as food provider/

has changed to that of additional earner.

But the fact / that restaurants are busiest on weekends rather than during the working week /

suggests other less practical reasons.

Diners expect to derive pleasure /

from eating in the public sphere; /

not only for the satisfaction of appetite /

but for social and psychological enjoyment.

In the restaurant /

eating is transformed into an entertaining experience.

Relieved of the chores of preparing a meal/

and in a different environment /

where one chooses what to eat and is waited upon,/

diners are free to enjoy, converse and interact,/

so that even a simple family outing to a McDonald's / can provide a sense of occasion. et



사람들은 많은 다양한 이유로 외식을 한다/

그리고 음식 제공자로서의 전통적인 주부의 역할은/

추가적인 수입을 벌어오는 사람의 역할로 변했다

하지만 식당은 일을 하는 주중보다 주말에 가장 붐빈다라는 사실은/

다른 덜 실용적인 이유를 암시한다

식사하는 사람들은 즐거움을 얻는것을 기대한다/

공개적인 장소에서 식사를 하는것에서/

입맛의 만족을 위해서 뿐만 아니라/

사회적이고 심리적인 즐거움을 위해서


식사하는 것은 즐거움을 주는 경험으로 바뀌게 된다

식사를 준비하는 허드렛일에서 벗어나고/

다른 환경에서/

그곳에서 사람은 무엇을 먹을지 선택하고 시중을 받는/

식사하는 사람은 자유롭게 즐기고, 대화하고, 상호 교류한다

그러므로 맥도날드로의 간단한 가족 외식조차도 / 특별한 행사라는 느낌을 제공해 줄수 있다




eat out외식하다varied 다양한

additional추가적인diner 식사하는 사람

derive끌어내다, 획득하다

sphere영역appetite 식욕, 입맛


relieve덜어주다, 경감시키다

chore허드렛일wait upon 시중들다


'초급독해(입문)' 카테고리의 다른 글

EBS 직독직해300 - [9]  (0) 2011.08.23
Story 6 : The truth for a poor memory  (0) 2011.08.22
EBS 직독직해300 - [7]  (0) 2011.08.19
EBS 직독직해300 - [6]  (0) 2011.08.15
EBS 직독직해300 - [5]  (0) 2011.08.13
Posted by skyedu




Boy I think about it every night and day
I'm addicted wanna jump inside your love
I wouldn't wanna have it any other way
I'm addicted and I just can't get enough

I just can't get enough
I just can't get enough
I just can't get enough
I just can't get enough
Honey got a sexy all steamin
She givin hotness a new meanin
Perfection mama you gleamin
Inception you got a brother dreamin dreamin
Damn baby I'm feignin
I'm trynna holler at you, I'm screamin
Let me love you down this evenin
Love you love you ya you know you are my demon
Girl we could form a team and
I could be the king you could be the queen and
My mind's dirty and it don't need cleanin
I love you long time so you know the meanin
Oh baby I can't come down so please come help me out
You got me feelin high and I can't step off the cloud
And I just can't get enough
Boy I think about it every night and day
I'm addicted wanna jump inside your love
I wouldn't wanna have it any other way
I'm addicted and I just can't get enough
I just can't get enough
I just can't get enough
I just can't get enough
I just can't get enough
Honey got me runnin like I'm flow joe
Signs her name on my heart with an X-O
Love's so sweet got me vexed oh
I wanna wish it right back like presto, yes
Meantime I wait for the next time
She come around 'fore I toast to the best time
We all the while back and forth on the text line
She got me fishin for her love I confess I'm
Somethin bout her smile and that combo
Got me high and I ain't comin down yo
My heart's pumpin out louder than electro
She got me feelin like Mr. Roboto
Oh baby I can't come down so please come help me out
You got me feelin high and I can't step off the cloud
And I just can't get enough
Boy I think about it every night and day
I'm addicted wanna jump inside your love
I wouldn't wanna have it any other way
I'm addicted and I just can't get enough
*This is mega switch up*
I just can't
Sunk in your bed rock
Up in your love shock
Out by your cold shot
I'm stuck in your head li-
Can't get out won't when
Makin me feign, give it to me
I want it all, know what I mean
Your love is a dose of ecstasy
I can't get
Away from
I need it
I'm missin
I want your lovin right next to me
And I can't
Erase ya out of my memory

Posted by skyedu